Seattle Tilth NW Maritime Guide

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Maritime Northwest Garden Guide: Planning Calendar for Year-Round Organic Gardening, 2nd Edition

Tilth Alliance’s Maritime Northwest Garden Guide was completely revised, redesigned and updated in 2014. Lisa Taylor is the main author, with support from all of Tilth Alliance’s expert gardeners and farm educators.

Our Maritime Northwest Garden Guide is designed as a month-by-month gardening calendar, outlining when to plant vegetables, herbs and flowers. In addition, it features information about the principles and techniques essential to year-round organic gardening. It’s the type of book you take with you out into the garden and refer to constantly as a reference. The book has withstood the test of time, with more than 68,000 copies sold since it was first published in 1998 and written at that time by Carl Elliot and Rob Peterson.

The Maritime Northwest Garden Guide is packed with features to help the year-round vegetable gardener:

  • Monthly garden almanacs that include a quick list of plants that can be sown and harvested each month, a recipe and a monthly set of chores
  • Year-at-a-glance planting calendars
  • Vegetable variety lists and resources
  • Garden planning and design ideas
  • Fall and winter gardening information
  • Recent developments in urban agriculture
  • A comprehensive index
  • New illustrations and book design

The Maritime Northwest region runs roughly from Vancouver, B.C., to Roseburg, Oregon, and from the Cascade foothills to the coast. Michael Levenston, Executive Director of City Farmer Society in Vancouver, B.C., said of our Maritime Northwest Garden Guide, “Tilth Alliance has always led the way for organic gardeners in the Maritime Northwest. This wonderful guide will inspire old and new gardeners alike to grow more food throughout the year and take advantage of our unique climate.”